$3 Spayed or Neutered $8 unspayed or unneutered Include a current rabies vaccination copy, original…
Author: woodvilleclerk
Website https://townofwoodvillewi.gov
Spring Election
Notice of Spring Election has been posted and published
Budget Hearing
Public Budget Hearing will be held on Thursday November 19th at 6pm at the Woodville…
Provisional Ballots
There are 0 Provisional Ballots for the November 3rd 2020 General Election
Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 Woodville Town Hall opens at 7am and closes at 8pm for…
resolution to exceed levy
Please note that The Woodville Town Board passed a resolution to exceed the levy limit….
absentee voting
This week the Wisconsin Elections Commission mailed absentee voting information to approx. 2.6 million registered…
provisional ballots
There are 0 Provisional Ballots for the 2020 Partisan Primary on August 11th.
Absentee results for August 11th Partisan Primary
There were 67 total absentee ballots issued for the August 11th Partisan Primary and 50…
Revaluation Year
Please note that when you receive a postcard from our Assessor/Zacharias that you call and…