The Annual Meeting will be on April 21st, 2020 at 7pm. See the agenda for…
Author: woodvilleclerk
Monthly Meeting
Due to the Coronavirus the April Monthly Board Meeting for the Town of Woodville has…
April Election
Wednesday the 18th is the last day to register to vote by mail or online…
February Primary
There were 0 Provisional Ballots for the Primady Election of February 18,2020
Monthly Meeting Day Change
Due to the New Year Holiday The Town of Woodville will meet January 8th at…
Property Tax Collection Dates
Town Treasurer will be availabe at the Town Hall in St John to collect property…
Public Budget Hearing
At 6pm November 13th there will be a public budget hearing to approve the 2020…
2020 Elections
With the 2020 elections coming soon this is a reminder for all Woodville residents. Private…
Monthly Meeting Date Change
The September Monthly Board Meeting Will be Held on September 11th at 7pm. Agenda to…
Rundus Event
Please be aware that on July 27th there will be an event in Dundus called…