Notice is hereby given that a special town meeting of the Town of Woodville, Calumet…
Author: woodvilleclerk
Monthly Meeting Date Change
Due to a conflict with the July 4th holiday the next Monthly Town Board meeting…
Monthly Meeting Day Change
The Town of Woodville will be meeting the First Weds of each Month for their…
Testical Festival
Please be aware that Testical Festival will be on May 18th in Dundas. Roads may…
Election April 2, 2019
0 Provisionals Ballots for April 2019 Election
Election Results April 2, 2019
Election Results for Town of Woodville board are as follows Chairperson Corey Schmidt 213 votes…
February Primary
There will be a February 19th Primary in The Town of Woodville. It will be…
January Town Board Meeting
Due to January 1st being a Holiday the Town of Woodvilles regular monthly board meeting…
Tax Collection
Town of Woodville treasurer will be collecting taxes December 29th, 10:30am-noon and Jan. 25th 5:30pm-6:30pm…