On February 24th at 6pm The Town of Woodville will be having an informational meeting…
Spring Primary
Woodville Voters, Our Spring Primary Election of February 15th is for Kaukauna SChool District Only.
February Election
The Elections Page has Been Updated for the February, 15th 2022 Primary for Kaukauna School…
Tax Collection 2021/2022
Tax Collecton by The Town Treasurer will be by mail only this year. Please mail…
Recycling Center Holiday Hours
Due to the upcoming Holidays being on Saturdays the folowing dates are open hours for…
Ordinance to Regulate Parking in Dundas
The Town of Woodville approved an Ordinance to Regulate Parking in Dundas to take effect…
2022 Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics and Appliance Events
These event dates have been added to the website under Community/Recycling.
monthly meeting date change
Due to a conflict Septembers Monthly Town Board meeting will be at 7pm on September…
Ordinance to Regulate Parking in Dundas
The Town of Woodville approved an Ordinance to Regulate Parking in Dundas to take effect…
Engineering Bids for Dundas
The Town of Woodville is taking engineering bids for the installation of parking lanes and…